A Pinch Of Thoughts

Health Benefits Of Eating Pears

The bell-shaped, sweet fruits people have been enjoying ever since ancient times, pears, are definitely a delight for many. They are delicious and can be eaten in so many different ways, from juices to pies. And to make things great, pears have some very interesting health benefits we should all be aware of, with those highlighted below being proven by science. We all know apples are great but here’s why you should also consider pears.

High Nutrition Value

There are around 100 types of peas that are being grown around the world right now, including popular varieties like D’Anjoy, Bosc, and Bartlett. And one medium-sized pear, which is 178 grams, offers 1 gram of protein, 101 calories, 27 grams of carbs, 6 grams of fiber, vitamin C, K, copper, and potassium.

Inside pears, you can also find niacin, provitamin A, and folate. It is important for us to consume niacin and folate for energy production and cellular function. And provitamin A actively supports wound healing and skin health.

Copper is great as it plays an important role in the metabolism of cholesterol, immunity, and the function of nerves. And potassium helps your heart work better. Pears even include antioxidants, with the peel having 6 times more polyphenols than the fruit’s flesh.

Pears Might Promote Gut Health

Pears stand out as a great source of insoluble and soluble fibers, which are very important for our digestive health. Such fibers help our body to maintain bowel regularity as they bulk up or soften stools.

Inside one average pear, you can find 6 grams of great fiber, which is around 22% of what you need every single day. Also, the soluble fibers are feeding gut-healthy bacteria. This is why they are seen as being prebiotics, which help with improved immunity and healthy aging.

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What has to be noted is that fiber can help people relieve constipation. This is especially when you eat pears with the skin as it contains most of the fibers.

Beneficial Plant Compounds

Inside pears, you can find several beneficial plant compounds. It is what offers these fruits the hues we know. As an example, anthocyanins will make pears look ruby-red. And the compounds can improve heart health while strengthening blood vessels.

More scientific research is needed to see how anthocyanins inside pears help but we do know that the anthocyanins present in other foods, like berries, promote heart health.

When you see pears with a green skin, they include zeaxanthin and lutein. These compounds are important to maintaining sharp vision, which is particularly valuable as you are aging.

Pears Help With Inflammation

Inflammation is natural as it is an immune response. However, long-term or chronic inflammation will hurt your health. This is linked to several illnesses, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Inside pears, you can find flavonoid antioxidants. These are very effective at fighting off inflammation so they can decrease disease risk. The effect of the flavonoids is due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties it offers. Also, inside pears, you can find minerals and vitamins like vitamin C and copper, which are also very good at fighting inflammation.

Pear’s Potential Anticancer Effects

Inside pears, there are several compounds that show anticancer properties. As an example, cinnamic acid and anthocyanin were proven to be effective at fighting cancer.

Diets rich in fruits like pears can protect against several cancers, including those affecting the bladder, stomach, and lungs. There are even studies that showed pears can help with ovarian and breast cancer, which means the fruit is very good for women.

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Keep in mind that more research is needed in regard to the effect of pears on cancer though. Do not use the fruit as a replacement to regular cancer treatment. The fruit might just help with prevention but cannot treat any cancer.

Eating Pears To Lose Weight

Pears have high water content, fibers, and are not high in calories. This is a combination that is perfect for those that want to lose weight because water and fiber help in you feeling full. As a result, you will naturally feel less of a need to eat.

A study conducted over the duration of 12 weeks showed that adults eating 2 pears per day ended up losing 1.1 inches from the waist circumference. And there was also a study that showed women eating 3 pears every day ended up losing around 1.9 pounds, with an increase in lipid profile, which is a marker used to determine heart health.

Very Easy To Add To A Diet

Anything that is great for our health becomes useless if it is very difficult to add it to the diet. Fortunately, pears are not like that. They are available every single day of the year in grocery stores all around us.

When you eat the pear whole, it becomes a very tasty snack. And it is simple to add pears to several dishes, like salads, oatmeals, and smoothies.

You can take your pears and poach them or roast them. They work very well with pork and chicken. And you can pair the pear with cheeses (brie and Gouda), spices (nutmeg and cinnamon), chocolate, and lemons. You can eat these fruits in several ways but make sure to add the skin since it has the most beneficial nutrients you surely want.

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Boosting Heart Health

Last but not least, pears might help you to lower heart disease risks. This is because of the procyanidin antioxidants, which are good at reducing heart tissue stiffness, increasing good cholesterol levels, and lowering bad cholesterol levels.

Inside the peel, you can find quercetin, which is a very important antioxidant that benefits heart health. It reduces several heart disease risk factors and decreases inflammation.

Final Thoughts

Pears are truly great fruits. They are packed with vitamins, plant compounds, and fibers. All of these nutrients are helpful in fighting inflammation, promoting heart health, gut health, and can even help you to lose weight. However, you only get these benefits if you also eat the peel. Remember that when you munch on some tasty pears.