A Pinch Of Thoughts

Pomegranate Benefits For All Of Us

Pomegranate can add both taste and nutrients to any diet, providing up to 40% of your daily Vitamin C needs with just one medium-sized pomegranate.

Look for a pomegranate with smooth, blemish-free skin that feels soft to scratch and should weigh accordingly.

Pomegranates are true berries, meaning they contain abundant plant-based antioxidants – particularly anthocyanins – as well as fiber.


Pomegranates and pomegranate juice provide an abundance of powerful antioxidants that can help combat free radical damage to cells, leading to heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s. Pomegranate drink contains anthocyanins, quercetin and ellagic acid – three phytochemicals known for their antioxidative effects – making this delicious fruit an invaluable way to protect yourself from disease.

Pomegranate benefits also extend to supporting skin health and memory function; according to one placebo-controlled study, subjects who consumed eight ounces of pomegranate juice per day demonstrated significant increases in cognitive function compared to subjects drinking an identical control beverage with different flavors.

Cutting open a pomegranate may take time and patience, but the effort is more than worth the reward for delicious nutrients packed inside! Savor its sweet-tasting arils; or mix pomegranate juice into smoothies, iced tea or cocktails – or sprinkle its seeds onto avocado toast or salads. They’re an excellent source of fiber too; according to one study men with prostate cancer who consumed 8 oz of pomegranate juice daily reduced how quickly their PSA levels doubled following surgery or radiation therapy!


Pomegranates stand out in a produce aisle like no other fruit, with vibrant color and texture that demands your attention. And while these juicy fruits make delicious snacks, they also provide powerful antioxidants to fight disease and help protect us against future illness.

Studies published in 2013 in Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine demonstrated that drinking 250 milliliters of pomegranate juice for 12 weeks can significantly lower inflammatory markers such as hs-CRP and interleukin-6 among type II diabetics, according to studies by Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine researchers. Other research suggests pomegranate extracts or juice may prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s by blocking enzymes that break down neurons.

Pomegranates and their juice are packed with vitamin C, helping to improve immunity and fight infection. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that taking medications could interfere with their effectiveness, so before making significant dietary changes consult your physician first. (10).

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Lowers Blood Pressure

Pomegranate juice is an effective natural remedy to lower blood pressure. This fruit’s compounds help combat oxidative stress and inflammation that contribute to elevated blood pressure. Furthermore, its nitrate content aids blood vessel expansion for increased circulation to further bring down pressure.

Regular consumption of pomegranate juice may help protect against atherosclerosis – the buildup of fatty deposits in artery walls – which is linked to heart disease and stroke as well as other serious medical conditions.

Research shows that pomegranates may help naturally lower blood pressure by decreasing LDL and triglyceride cholesterol, while increasing HDL cholesterol levels, according to studies. They may also decrease insulin resistance which could potentially lead to diabetes.

For optimal results, drink one cup of unsweetened pomegranate juice daily – make sure it contains only 100% pomegranate and no other fruits added – when purchasing store-bought varieties. Drinking pomegranate juice may also help lower blood pressure when taken alongside medications for high blood pressure; always consult your physician first if introducing new food into your diet.

Promotes Eye Health

Pomegranates have long been considered an indicator of health and longevity, but according to new research published in Clinical Nutrition, researchers have discovered that drinking one or more glasses of the juice daily may help protect against stroke. Scientists from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology performed laboratory analysis using mice with high cholesterol and laboratory-grown arterial cells; their scientists observed that regularly drinking pomegranate juice along with three dates significantly slowed atherosclerosis progression; arterial plaque was reduced by 28 percent among these mice.

Results indicate that pomegranates and their juice can help protect against atherosclerosis by protecting LDL cholesterol from oxidation, which contributes to plaque build-up in arteries. While more human studies may be required, its anti-inflammatory properties suggest it could also provide protection from macular degeneration and other eye issues.

Pomegranates and their juice can be purchased in most grocery store refrigerator sections, but making your own at home is easy as well. When selecting a pomegranate for making at home, look for one with glossy skin and weighty for its size – then press gently on it open it, so as to extract seeds from pulp.

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Lowers Cholesterol

Pomegranates and their juice contain powerful antioxidants that may help prevent atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, according to medical researchers at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. According to research published in Food & Function journal by this team of medical researchers, pomegranate seeds and their juice provide maximum protection from plaque formation and arterial damage.

Regular consumption of pomegranate juice has been found to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, reduce inflammation, and strengthen immunity.

For maximum pomegranate benefits, sprinkle it on salads or blend it into smoothies – be sure to eat all parts of the fruit including its skin and white areas surrounding its small seeds (arils). Pomegranates contain high concentrations of vitamins C, anthocyanins and punicic acid which are believed to protect the body against free radical damage linked to cancer and other chronic health conditions; additionally pomegranate may promote production of gut bacteria which help eliminate waste products while improving digestion.

Supports Digestive Health

Pomegranates are packed with fiber, which can reduce inflammation and promote healthy bowels. Pomegranates also contain folate, potassium and phosphorous – three nutrients known for helping maintain intestinal health – along with compounds that inhibit bad bacteria in your gut that could otherwise cause issues like IBD, nausea vomiting diarrhea or extreme abdominal pain.

According to research, the anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranates may also help protect against heart disease and cancer. One study demonstrated this by showing how drinking pomegranate juice for eight weeks significantly decreased markers of inflammation and cardiovascular risk in hemodialysis patients.

Studies have also shown that pomegranate extracts and juice can effectively curb prostate cancer cell proliferation due to its abundant supply of ellagitannins which inhibit tumor cell mobility while blocking them from receiving essential nutrients from bloodstream.

Registered dietitians recommend including pomegranate in any healthy meal plan as part of its many health benefits and easy addition to salads, yogurt parfaits, smoothies or cocktails. When taking medication or pregnant/ breastfeeding it is wise to consult with your physician first before adding new food/beverages into your diet plan.

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Promotes Brain Health

Pomegranates contain polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that protects the brain against oxidative damage and inflammation, helping preserve memory and cognitive function, while possibly delaying or even preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Their seeds and juice have also been proven to enhance both memory retention and cognitive performance – even helping delay Alzheimer’s symptoms by over two years!

Studies comparing the effects of drinking pomegranate juice vs taking an active placebo showed no decrease in visual information processing when compared with taking placebo; on the contrary, those taking the latter lost their ability to process visual images; thus suggesting regular consumption of pomegranate juice may help preserve and maintain this ability.

Pomegranate seeds contain anti-inflammatory compounds that help prevent blood clots from forming in the brain and heart, which could otherwise lead to stroke. Furthermore, extracts of pomegranates inhibit enzymes responsible for cartilage degradation; this can help protect against osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Pomegranate may help improve fertility by mitigating oxidative stress that causes sperm dysfunction and reduced reproductive capacity in women, and by providing neuroprotective benefits through its phenolic acids that may cross blood-brain barriers and exert neuroprotective properties.

Supports Urinary Health

Pomegranates draw our eye when we’re shopping, with their bright red seeds (called arils) standing out against other fruits on store shelves. But eating whole pomegranates or drinking their juice offers more than eye-catching appeal; their seeds and juice contain polyphenol antioxidants which fight harmful molecules that could potentially cause disease.

The pomegranate plant developed protective qualities to help it survive nature, which continue in your digestive tract when consumed as nutrients. They may even help prevent kidney stones by inhibiting crystal buildup that leads to pain, blood in the urine or other symptoms.

Pomegranate’s antioxidants may also aid in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes by slowing the buildup of atherosclerotic plaque. One study conducted with people suffering from carotid artery stenosis – narrowing of their arteries that supply oxygen to both brain and heart – found pomegranate juice reduced plaque by 28 percent more than placebo in terms of plaque reduction.