A Pinch Of Thoughts

Top Tips for New Dog Owners 

If you are soon to be a proud new dog owner, then sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start and how to prepare yourself and your home. It can be really easy to get caught up in all the excitement of the new arrival of your canine companion, and to forget some of the main essentials.

Therefore, we have put together some of our top tips for all new dog owners, to give you all the information and guidance you need to prepare for a new dog and create the perfect foundations for a happy and healthy life together. 

Get Your Admin Sorted

We understand that you are super excited about becoming a dog owner for the first time, and you just want to spend your time buying dog toys and having cuddles, but we recommend that you get your admin sorted first.

Getting a new dog means that you will need to make arrangements to ensure they get the care they need, such as registering with a vet, ensuring all the vaccinations have been administered, as well as securing pet insurance and finding a good dog groomer. You may also want to get your new four-legged friend enrolled in a training class. 

Do Your Research 

While becoming a new dog owner might seem like a lot of fun, it is also a lot of responsibility that you must take seriously. Your pet relies entirely upon you for all their basic needs, so you need to know what they need and when. To make sure you know your stuff, you should spend some time researching the breed of dog that you will soon have as a pet. 

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There are many different resources you can use to brush up your skills and knowledge of your pet, including forums, vet websites, and also dog blogs which is a useful source of information.  

It is particularly important to do your research when you want to adopt a dog or when the dog you get is not a puppy. This is because different breeds have different temperaments. Some are better suited for a family with children while others are better for people who live on a farm and take care of animals. Your research is going to be one of the most important things you ever do if you want to get a dog.

Obviously, research also includes learning about everything that the dog needs and wants. You can learn about training, feeding, exercise needs, and even temperament. If you do not know anything about the dog you want to get for you or your family, you can end up in the unwanted situation in which you cannot really take care of him because of the automatic needs the breed has.

Exercise is Everything 

While it is important that all dogs get exercise, the type of dog you have will determine how much exercise they need. Exercise is not only essential to keep your dog fit and healthy, but it is also important to keep your dog’s mind stimulated and happy. If your dog is stuck inside on their own too much, then they will likely become bored and restless. 

It is also important that you engage with your dog during walkies and do not simply walk mindlessly next to them. Put your phone away and talk, train, and interact with your canine companion during your walks. 

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There are countless dogs who are not trained or educated. The owners end up blaming anything else but the truth is that we, as owners, are responsible for training a dog. You cannot simply take the dog for a walk and expect a perfectly educated doggo.

Bonding with Your New Dog 

You want to make sure that your dog is both happy and healthy, so we recommend that all new dog owners take the time to bond with their new friend. Build a good relationship with your dog from the start by exercising and learning new tricks together.

Understand The Budget You Need

Dog ownership automatically brings in a huge commitment in expenses. You have to deal with several annual and monthly expenses, like food, vaccines, checkups, grooming, and treats. Then, there are less-frequent expenses, like doctor checkups and medication. Also, you have expenses even before the doggo reaches your home, like a dog bed, a dog bowl, and so on.

Some of the basics you need when you decide to bring a dog in your home are collars, toys, leash, bowls, and crates for potty training purposes. If you adopt an older dog, less gear is needed since he will not outgrow it.

Set Up A Support System

The last thing you should understand is that your dog will need a strong support system. As an example, if you often have to go to work or you are away for days, you should have someone trusted who would take care of the fluffy one. Doggy day care may even be needed. At the very least, you might need to hire a dog walker.

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The important thing is to ask yourself if the dog will have what he needs in the event that something unexpected happens in your life. For instance, if you end up breaking your leg, will there be someone around who could walk the dog?

Final Thoughts

Becoming a new dog owner is super exciting, and by being prepared for their arrival and doing your research, you can focus on creating a solid and long-lasting relationship with your new four-legged friend. 

At the end of the day, becoming a dog owner is something you have to seriously think about. The truth is, most people simply do not have what they need to be really good dog owners. And this means the animals will suffer, which is not what you want. You need to be honest with yourself and only get a dog if this is a good, responsible decision. You have to take care of the little one since you will be his only real support. This is a huge responsibility.